Our Services

At Gunster Strategies, we have a unique and tested approach to public affairs. We bring together the latest in new media, tried-and-true traditional media, research-based strategy, and experts with decades of experience to make sure we are ahead in the issue advocacy business.

We approach every issue advocacy and ballot measure project armed with insight, research and an adapted strategy.

“The most sought-after guns for hire.” – Business Week

Issue Advocacy - Black & White

Advocacy: Building A Movement

Public affairs is at the core of our work. We help our clients build relationships and make strong connections with critical stakeholders and members of the public. This ensures meaningful impact for businesses and society.

Using tried-and-true advocacy techniques, intelligence gathering, and grasstops advocacy strategy, we can accomplish your goals.

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Campaign Strategy: Creating a strategic game plan for complex issues

We have extensive experience in managing campaigns and creating plans with clear goals and objectives. We work using different media tactics to successfully build a winning narrative.

Opinion Research

Opinion Research & Message Development: The blueprint of every campaign

We work with researchers on a local, state, national and international level to ensure our strategy is backed by numbers.

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Coalition Building & Grassroots/Grasstops: Citizens at the heart of every campaign

Citizens and voters are why we fight for an issue and we can’t win without them. We build a shared space for constituents, with grassroots and grasstops outreach form an effective coalition.

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Digital & Social Media: Merging compelling content with advanced digital targeting

Our teams infuse your customized strategy with our experience in digital targeting to both enhance your impact and protect your brand. Our unique thinking helps our clients break through the noise.

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Paid Media & Media Training: We build more than lists - we build relationships

We have complete control over paid media, making it a key tool in our campaign toolbox. We have advertising in television, radio, print and digital outlets.

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Earned Media: Spokespeople as the first line of offense and defense

Our job is to train spokespeople and to spread our message to the media. We write LTE’s, op-eds, press releases, as well as organize media events, such as appearances.

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Creative Production: Creative working with researchers

Our creative department is involved in the research process from the beginning. They work together with researchers to shape the project, and so they know what moves voters.

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Crisis Management: We are proactive, so you can focus on what matters most

With strategic communication and stakeholder engagement, we are able to mitigate reputational risks. At the heart of our crisis and litigation process is an actionable roadmap to help you navigate crises.

Capitol Hill - Black & White

Government Relations: Award-winning government relations

We have been conducting award-winning government relations and advocacy campaigns for over 30 years. We use all tools of the trade to reach out to decision makers and elected officials.

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